Everything I've Learned About Git
in the Last Year

(So You Don't Have To)

Trevor Burnham / @trevorburnham

The Theme of This Talk

  • Git is wonderful.
  • Unfortunately, Git doesn't like you.
    • Git’s command names are lies.
    • Its output is cold and unfeeling.
    • And have you read those man pages? git help reset

The Theme of This Talk

  • Fortunately, I like you!
  • And I know, like, 20% of git.
  • This will be an infodump.

Git Wants You to Fight It

Fighting Ponies

But You Can Be Friends!

Love Git


  1. Use good tools.
  2. Understand Git’s fundamental concepts.
  3. Know what every command you run actually does.

Setting Up

Let's make sure our yaks are shaved

Install the Latest

$ brew update
$ brew upgrade git

Yes, hub will wrap around the new version:

$ hub --version
git version
hub version 1.10.6

Git-ify Your Shell Prompt

branch name, * when dirty

Set Your Editor

# ~/.gitconfig
	editor = subl -w
  • Classy way:
    git config --global core.editor "subl -w"
  • Alternatively, you can set your shell's GIT_EDITOR.
  • Or just EDITOR.
  • subl needs the -w flag to block Git until you close the tab.

Use Your Freedom of Choice

Devo's 'Freedom of Choice' album cover

Get a Git Gutter

Git Gutter in Sublime Text


Run (Some) Git Commands

Git Gutter in Sublime Text


Configuring Git

  • The settings in a repo's .git/config override those in ~/.gitconfig when you're in that repo.
  • You can see all applicable settings with
    git config --list.
  • git config namespace.key value sets a value in .git/config.
  • Add the --global flag to modify ~/.gitconfig instead.

Example: Setting Your Name and Email

$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
$ git config --global user.name "[email protected]"  # public!


Example: Adding a Global Gitignore

# ~/.gitignore_global

$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global


Example: Setting an Alias

$ git config --global alias.unstage "reset HEAD"

$ git unstage some_file  # git reset HEAD some_file

History of Git

$ git log --full-history --reverse

Version Control for Linux

Linus 'Peanuts' Torvalds

First Commit

commit e83c5163316f89bfbde7d9ab23ca2e25604af29
Author: Linus Torvalds <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Apr 7 15:13:13 2005 -0700
Initial revision of "git", the information manager from hell

Totally Distributed

Distributed network

Git vs. Mercurial

Git and Mercurial commands compared

Why Git Won

I got 99 problems, but at least I don't have to use BitBucket

So…What is Git?

Git diagram

It's All About the Commits

git show --pretty=raw <commit>

Get to know git show.

One Hash Unlocks the Entire Universe!

Hashcapades: The art of the perfect hash adventure

Can't Hashes Conflict?

“A higher probability exists that every member of your programming team will be attacked and killed by wolves in unrelated incidents on the same night.”

Pro Git

What's a Branch?

“A branch is just a pointer to a commit.”

Huh! Then What's a Tag?

“A tag is just a pointer to a commit.”

Why Use Branches?

Branch names tell you what you're supposed to be working on

What is the HEAD?

Put the HEAD on the part of the record you want to play

Moving the HEAD

(master) $ git checkout HEAD^  # parent commit
(fc8a3b) $

(master) $ git checkout HEAD~1  # equivalent
(fc8a3b) $
There ought to be only one way to do it!

Checkout vs. Reset

“…update HEAD to set the specified branch as the current branch.”

git help checkout

“…set the current branch head (HEAD) to <commit>…”

git help reset

Pointers are Hard!

(master) $ git reset --hard HEAD~1
# changes what master points to!
(master) $ nooooooooooooo!! what was my hash!?
> command not found

(master) $ git reflog
> 2e22821 HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to HEAD~1
> 62fb09e HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from 69a077 to master
(master) $ git reset --hard 62fb09e  # fixed!

Staging and Committing


A Tale of Two Directories

  • Working tree: The physical directory you've cd-ed to, and everything in it.
    • Except the .git directory.
      • Unless you're editing .git/config. That's cool.
  • Index: Also known as the staging area. This is everything that will be in the next commit.

Make New Commits, But Keep The Old

(7e8fcg) $ git add README.md
# stage the current state of README.md
(7e8fcg*) $ git commit
# create a new commit with that one difference
(89a2bd) $

PSA: Life's too short to use git add <file>.

All the World's Staged

(master*) $ git add -A
# stage every indexed file in the working directory
(master*) $ git commit
(master) $
  • This won't stage any files in the HEAD's .gitignore. Then Git's like, "Changes? I don't see any changes!"
  • Likewise if you've done something crazy like git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>.

(master*) $ git commit -a
# equivalent to the above in just one step
(master) $

You Only Live Once

YOLO alias


(master*) $ git reset HEAD README.md
# unstage, don't change the working directory

(master*) $ git checkout HEAD -- README.md
# unstage and restore the HEAD version of README.md
  • Why does git checkout -- README.md restore the HEAD version of README.md if it's unstaged, but has no effect if it's staged?
  • Because the git checkout defaults to using the index.

What Have I Done?

(master*) $ git status

(master*) $ git diff  # show unstaged changes

(master*) $ git diff --cached  # show staged changes

$ alias what-am-i-about-to-commit "git diff --cached"

Pro Tip: Verbose Commit

(master*) $ git commit --verbose
Editing a commit in verbose mode

Communicating with Remotes


Managing Remotes

(master) $ git remote  # use --verbose to see URLs

(master) $ git remote add other git://github.com/otherguy/project.git

(master) $ git remote rm other

Tracking Branches

(master) $ git branch

(master) $ git branch -r

(master) $ git branch feature origin/feature

feature is now tracking origin/feature.

Pull vs. Fetch

(master) $ git fetch origin  # update origin/x branches

(master) $ git pull origin   # for each origin/x branch, update and merge into x

My Favorite Aliases

alias ggpull="git pull origin $(current_branch)"
alias ggpush="git push origin $(current_branch)"

What's a Merge, Really?

An overly complicated git diagram

The Simple Case

		1--2--+         master
		      3--4      feature

(master) $ git merge feature
		1--2--3--4      master

This is a fast-forward. Don't do this.

The Simple Case, Redux

		1--2--+         master
		      3--4      feature

(master) $ git merge --no-ff feature
		1--2--+-----5   master
		      |     |

5 is a merge commit. Merge commits are your friend, because you can revert them in one command:
git revert -m 1 <commit>

The Complicated Case

		1--2--3--4   master
		   +--5--6   feature

(master) $ git merge feature
		      |  |
		1--2--+  +--7   master
		      |  |

This is a three-way merge.
The three "ways" are commits 4, 6, and 2.

Two Parents!?

		      |  |
		1--2--+  +--7   master
		      |  |

Commit 7 is a merge commit with two parents. The one that was originally on master (commit 4) gets to be the first parent.

(commit7) $ git checkout HEAD^
(commit4) $

(commit7) $ git checkout HEAD^2
(commit6) $

The Wrong Way To Log

(master) $ git log
git log

(master) $ git checkout HEAD~2
(d2e7d2) $ WTF? The log said this was 3 commits ago!!
> command not found

The Pretty Way To Log

(master) $ git log --graph
git log --graph

The Right Way To Log

(master) $ git log --first-parent
git log --first-parent

Enter Rebase

All Your Rebase Are Belong To Us

Rewriting History

		1--2--3--4      master
		   +--5--6      feature

(feature) $ git rebase master
		1--2--3--4        master
		   +--3--4--7--8 feature

Commits 7 and 8 are copies of commits 5 and 6 with different ancestries and commit timestamps.

The Awesomest Git Command Ever

		1--2--3--4      master
		   +--5--6      feature

(feature) $ git rebase -i master

pick f8fcfe4 Add icons
pick b2a339f Fix typo

# Commands:
#  p, pick = use commit
#  r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
#  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
#  s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
#  f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
#  x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.

Pro Tip: Rebase on Pull

$ git config --global pull.rebase true
  • No more superfluous merge commits on pull!
  • Caution: If there are conflicts, abort! Use
    git pull --no-rebase to override the default.

More Tools

The world's biggest Swiss Army knife

Fix Your Last Commit

(master) $ git commit -m "Lame commit message"
(master) $ git commit --amend

(master*) $ git commit -m "Oops, forgot to add README.md"
(master) $ git add README.md
(master) $ git commit --amend

Track Down Bugs with Bisect

(master) $ git bisect start  # There's a bug!
(master) $ git bisect bad    # It's on master!

(master) $ git checkout HEAD~64
(f8b451) $ git bisect good   # This commit doesn't have the bug!

(b8cfas) $ git bisect reset  # Bad commit found. Now let's fix it.

Copy Commits with cherry-pick

(feature) $ git commit -m "Fix typo"
> [feature d6b849c] Fix typo

(feature) $ git checkout master
(master) $ git cherry-pick d6b849c
> [master 288c050] Fix typo

The hashes will always be different because the committer timestamp (and perhaps the commiter name) are different.

Stash Changes

(feature*) $ git stash
(feature) $ git checkout master
(master) $ git stash pop

(feature) $ git stash show  # what-all do I have stashed?

(feature) $ git stash --keep-index  # leave everything that's going in to the next commit

(feature) $ git stash --include-untracked

Show Only Unmerged Commits

(feature) $ git log HEAD ^master  # show every commit in feature that's not in master

Note: git log == git log HEAD, but git log ^master won't show any commits.

More Resources

What About GitHub!?

You Are All Beautiful In Your Own Way

Thanks for listening!